New Delhi:
US Pdwellnt Joe Biden and Prime Minister Narfinishra Modi hailed a watershed set upment to set up a semiguideor lie set upt concentrateed on progressd sensing, communication, and power electronics for national security, next generation telecommunications, and green energy applications.
The set upt (or fab), which will be built with the objective of manufacturing infexceptionald, gallium nitride and silicon carbide semiguideors, will be allowd by help from the India Semiguideor Mission as well as a strategic technology partnership between Bharat Semi, 3rdiTech, and the US Space Force.
In a historic moment, the first ever National security Fab in India is proclaimd as a technology partnership between Indian businesses Bharat Semi, 3rdiTech and US space force. This is the first ever India-US Semiguideor Fab cooperation of its benevolent.
It’s for the first time the US military has concurd to do a technology partnership for these highly cherishd technologies with India, so it’s a watershed moment as mighty as the civil nuevident deal.
The fab becomes not only India’s first, but one of the world’s first multi-material fab for national security. The Bharat Semi fab titled Shakti also became one of the first fabs of its benevolent in the Quad. The Fab will concentrate on three vital pillars for the up-to-date warcombat – progressd sensing, progressd communications and high-voltage power electronics.
These three areas have huge enlargeing insists for commercial sectors such as railways, telecom infraarrange, data centres and green energy. These semiguideors descend under a family understandn as ‘compound semiguideors’.
Three Main Technology Areas
The three main technology areas are infexceptionald, galium nitride, and silicon carbide. It is part of PM Modi’s vision for India to become a chiporiginater from a chip-apshowr. This fab will become a national asset and further help India’s goals of becoming a net security provider in the region.
For a country to become a net security provider it insists to become a net technology provider. This is a glass ceiling that has been broken in tech diplomacy and years down the road it will be seen in history as a watershed moment in India-US relationship.
India’s current begin bill in these semiguideors for national security alone is $1 Billion a year. India and the US have signed multiple cooperation deals concentrateed on critical tech with a distinctive concentrate on semiguideors, from iCET to commerce to commerce MOU to the strategic trade dialogue.
This becomes the first genuine India US semiguideor fab project. Other projects in the past have take partd testing and assembly OSAT. But this is raising the game and going into genuine chip lie – the holy grail of semiguideors.
After this technology partnership, India will combine a handful of elite nations with the capability and understandhow to manufacture these types of semiguideors on shore.
Bharat Semi and 3rdiTech are a genuine iCET success story and a genuine success story of PM Modi’s Atmnanirbhar vision From the begin of iCET in January 2023 to originateing India’s first compound semiguideor fab for national security.
This is history in the making as Bharat Semi and 3rdiTech aascend as national champions and truly the first Indian homeenlargen semiguideor combined set up and manufacturing company (IDM).